Life and relationships can be complicated at times.
My name is Shaenor, and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
I have always been intrigued by how we, as humans, interact with each other.
We must constantly navigate challenges in every aspect of our relationships, especially within the marital relationship. Sometimes, you may find yourself overwhelmed, but you are not alone in your struggle.
In this blog, I draw upon my experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and personal lessons from my own marriage to provide insight on how to maintain a fulfilling marriage. I have incorporated different theories focusing on the mechanics of the marital relationship as well as antidotes from my personal experience to provide tools for building a stronger, happier and more fulfilling union.
My hope is that as you read this blog, you will be empowered to successfully navigate the challenges you face in your relationships with your spouse or significant other, friends, family, and even yourself.
Cheers to the Journey!
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
